The WP3 virtual workshop on ocean time series data took place online using Zoom on 15-18 June 2021. Taught by Pierre Legendre, Professor of Quantitative Ecology at Université de Montréal, founder of Numerical Ecology, and member of iAtlantic’s Science Council, the workshop blended live online practical exercises using the free programming language R, lectures, and help sessions with pre-recorded videos. This format enabled us to run the workshop live in the mornings for participants in the western Atlantic, and during the afternoons for participants in the eastern Atlantic.
This page hosts all the information and resources for the workshop.
Temporal change in marine ecosystems occurs over ecological to geological timescales. Exploring ocean time series helps us interpret past events such as regime shifts, community change and loss of species, but it also helps consider future ecosystem outcomes under climate change. Despite the multitude of approaches and methods we use to collect ocean time series data, we can employ a common set of statistical analyses to facilitate ecosystem assessments at larger scales, e.g., over an entire region or ocean basin scale.
The purpose of our workshop is to strengthen the capacity of marine scientists who already have an understanding of statistical tests and experience using R to employ robust statistical methods to visualise, analyse and explain drivers of change in ocean time series datasets in order to facilitate such ecosystem assessments.
Over the 4 days, we cover visualisation and analysis of univariate and multivariate ocean time series data in, for example:
Use the links below to download materials for the workshop:
Recorded plenary/Q&A sessions:
Day 1
Q&A Day 2
Q&A Day 3
Q&A Day 4
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This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 818123 (iAtlantic). This output reflects only the author’s view and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.