iAtlantic placed capacity building at the heart of its mission, developing and implementing a comprehensive capacity development programme that encompassed both human and technological aspects. Coordinated by the WP6 team and implemented through iAtlantic’s technical work packages, this programme aimed to share knowledge, infrastructure, equipment and expertise across the project partnership, and wherever possible opening these learning opportunities to the wider deep-sea research community.
The iAtlantic capacity building programme encompassed hands-on training at sea and in the laboratory, through formal instruction and training events, as well as through more informal individual coaching and mentoring approaches, online learning opportunities and an inclusive approach to the research process – including the transfer of knowledge to end users. Central to the programme’s activities was the iAtlantic Fellowship, comprising the cohort of 50+ early career researchers associated with the project.
Capacity development in iAtlantic involved more than training and teaching. Sharing of infrastructure and equipment, creating access to facilities, data and know-how, and providing opportunities for researcher mobility between partner institutions were considered key to ensuring a fully collaborative and inclusive approach to scientific research at ocean basin scale.
This report summarises and reflects on the capacity building activities within iAtlantic that have established, strengthened and enhanced scientific connections between scientists in the North and South Atlantic. It is not a comprehensive report on all capacity development and training activities within the project, but presents specific activities that demonstrate iAtlantic’s efforts to advance north-south cooperation and knowledge transfer. The report also offers reflections on different aspects of iAtlantic’s capacity building activities, their impact and value, and makes suggestions for improving future endeavours.
Download the full report
iAtlantic Deliverable 6.3: Outcomes of regional capacity building, enhancing skills development and knowledge transfer between the North and South Atlantic. Report by V. Gunn (October 2023) (PDF, 2.4MB)
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This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 818123 (iAtlantic). This output reflects only the author’s view and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.