This report summarises the activities leading to the launch of an Atlantic Community portal in the GEOSS (Global Earth Observation System of Systems) Platform. It aims to draw together the international Atlantic observation community by strengthening and growing the network of actors in Atlantic Ocean observations.
A functional interface will be built through a GEOSS portal community site. This new feature of the GEOSS portal allows users and data providers to build customisable sites around specific communities of interest. Data repositories in iAtlantic e.g. PANGAEA, NRF-SAEON (National Research Foundation – South African Environmental Observation Network) and EMODnet (European Marine Observation and Data Network) will register relevant data through the portal and actively seek out additional contributors from other Atlantic Flagship projects (BG08 call), other Atlantic research initiatives, research infrastructures and industry. iAtlantic Work Package (WP) 7 partners will populate the site with relevant actors and data providers, including a catalogue of resources in GEOSS.
The community pages will build on existing initiatives such as EMODnet. Particular attention will be paid to ensure complementarity between the GEOSS Community portal and the EMODnet. The focus will also include providing a forum for a community of practice and the need to increase our understanding of Essential Ocean Variables (e.g., dissolved organic carbon, particulate matter, and nutrients) for pelagic and deep-sea environments. Furthermore, the iAtlantic Associate Partner MBON (Marine Biodiversity Observation Network) will i) advise on the requirements for both observations and data working closely with iAtlantic beneficiaries and ii) work with iAtlantic to facilitate active linkages between iAtlantic, MBON and Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS). ESA (European Space Agency) supports these efforts and will help with aspects of repository and data registration (e.g. by SAEON, South African Environment Observation Network) to make the site operational.
Download the full report
iAtlantic Deliverable 7.2: GEOSS Atlantic Ocean Observation Community mirror site. Report by T. Dohna. February 2021.
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This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 818123 (iAtlantic). This output reflects only the author’s view and the European Union cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.