Transit Punta Arenas – Bremerhaven

DWC lander and sediment traps recovery, maintenance and re-deployment in Campos Basin

Campos Basin: DWC lander recovery, maintenance and re-deployment

Reconnaissance to find good locations to install a DWC lander

Awaiting confirmation of dates – possibly July 2022


CWC, benthic and pelagic sampling, towed camera work in the Santos Basin

Visit the expedition website and blog here

Cruise report available at:

Santos/Campos Basins: cold seeps and cold water corals, benthic and pelagic sampling, ROV work.

Vitoria-Trindade Seamount Chain: MBES, ROV , CTD-Rosette sampling. Rescheduled from 2020 to 2022 due to COVID-19 delays.