Annual MoMARSAT cruise to Lucky Strike vent field for the EMSO-Azores observatory maintenance, and complementary sampling and mapping activities. With the manned submersible Nautile.

Download cruise report:

Crustal structure, hydrothermal and geological observations in the Romanche Fracture Zone.

Cruise report available at:

Short mission dedicated to the maintenance of the EMSO-Azores observatory at Lucky Strike, Mid-Atlantic Ridge, a non-cabled multidisciplinary observatory devoted to the long term integrated study of mid-ocean ridge processes, from the subsea floor to the water column.

The MoMARSAT 2020 oceanographic campaign is jointly carried out by Ifremer and the Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP-CNRS / INSU). This cruise is part of a long series that started in 2010 with the deployment of the EMSO-Azores observatory at the Lucky Strike vent field located within the Azores Marine Protected Areas. Every year since then, a maintenance cruise to the site is carried out to ensure the good functioning of the observatory: the two sea monitoring nodes (seamon) are brought up to the surface where the engineering team download large volumes of data from the instruments, which are then cleaned, checked, repaired if needed, and set-up for another year of observations.

Facebook link to the expedition:

See also article in iAtlantic Newsletter – issue 2

Cruise report:

The Momarsat2019 cruise performed the yearly maintenance of the EMSO-Azores observatory at Lucky Strike (Mid-Atlantic Ridge). EMSO-Azores is a fixed-point buoyed observatory with a multidisciplinary approach (from geophysics and physical oceanography to ecology and microbiology). The studied area is part of a Marine Protected Area in thePortuguese EEZ.

More information and cruise report at: