CWC, benthic and pelagic sampling, towed camera work in the Santos Basin

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Santos/Campos Basins: cold seeps and cold water corals, benthic and pelagic sampling, ROV work.

Vitoria-Trindade Seamount Chain: MBES, ROV , CTD-Rosette sampling. Rescheduled from 2020 to 2022 due to COVID-19 delays.

Santos Basin, offshore Brazil, SW Atlantic: multibeam surveying, ROV, CTD-Rosette, Box Corer, Lander deployment and recover

Cold seeps and cold-water corals on the deep-sea continental slope (Santos Basin) off Brazil.

Equipment: Multibeam echosounder survey, ROV investigations, CTD-Rosette, box corer. Benthic and pelagic sampling.